Oliver came to us in January 2005 from LCAS.  After $300 of dental work, Ollie was adopted during our September Lot Sale. He was a very popular Shop cat at S.A.R.A.'s Treasures and will be missed there. Enjoy your new home Ollie!




Oct 07th, 2005 Update

Here's an update on Oliver's adoption - thank you to Dena and her family for giving him such a loving home!

"Oliver has settled in nicely with us. He sits next to Grandma whenever she watches TV, and follows her around when she gets up. A couple of times I've seen him sit on the couch by the front window, watching the birds at the feeder (and the other cats outside who are watching the birds!). When my husband and I get home from work he looks up expectantly, wanting attention from the entire household. Grandma's care provider, who comes for a few hours during the day, has found him to be friendly and sweet. At night, when Grandma goes to bed, he sometimes hides. What I believe he is thinking is that he doesn't want to go to bed until all of us do--he might miss something! Although not happy about it, he allows us to tuck him into Grandma's bedroom when we're ready to retire for the night. Oliver then jumps on Grandma's bed and curls up with her. He hasn't slept in his own bed much since his first week at our house.

Oliver is calm and steady. He is not playful, which is exactly what we needed. Grandma talks to him a lot; in fact, we all talk to Oliver. He's a real blessing for an elderly woman who doesn't like to be alone and a comfort for those of us who love Grandma.

A little story: three days after we got Oliver, Grandma had to be taken to the hospital emergency room and was gone from the house for about 10 hours. This was unexpected. Oliver hid under our bed and wouldn't come out that night for hours. The next morning he still wasn't ready to forgive us, though he did let us pet him. But, he wouldn't purr or cuddle at all until the next day."             -Dena

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