Dovebar and SnoCone
Hi Sara's,
Thank you so much! Our lovely ladies are doing very well. They
continue to be so very playful. Aspen/SnoCone still has the same
cute kitten look on her face as in their kitten photo. And Willow/Dovebar
is still as smooth as silk and has the same beautiful eyes as she
did as a kitten. They bring us hours upon hours of fun, contentment,
and love!
Hello SARA's,
I stopped by a couple of days ago, and Ashley asked to see some pics
of Lisa. I'll send a bunch as attachments for all of you. She's
wonderful -- we absolutely adore her!
-Alli & Glenn
Dear S.A.R.A.S
We are very happy to have Bandit in our home. He is getting along
very well with his sister Yurika (Boots) and they are becoming quite
fond of each other. He is very lively and his name definitely fits
him; as he grabs items from around the house and brings them under
the table, it is one of his endearing qualities. Nick and I love his
company, and we thank you for saving our beautiful boy!
Sincerely, Bandit's Forever Family
Stuart & Nelly (Jinx & Buffy)
We think they'll keep us!
Stuart (aka Jinx) and Nellie (aka Buffy) have been at our home for
one month. Birdwatching is a favorite pastime, both from the cat
perch downstairs and the bedroom window upstairs. Stuart loves to
play with "Da Bird". He could chase that thing all day. Nellie has
picked a favorite blue mouse from their large herd. It seems to have
the best flying ability. We have all enjoyed getting acquainted with
each other. We are so glad they have become part of our family.
Thanks S.A.R.A.
John and Kelly
Hero (Beethoven)
Two years ago we adopted Beethoven from S.A.R.A's. He was a
frightened little kitty and spent the first few days under a couch
pillow. We decided to change his name to Hero to see if it would
give some needed courage. Sure enough the name change worked! Now
Hero has two little big sisters, Rosie and Lady Bug. Hero had to
make some "adjustments", but he proved to a very patient cat, and
hasn't let either dog get the best of him in any play session yet.
Rosie was also rescued, and even though she is nearly 80 lbs of
muscle now Hero doesn't seem to notice. Hero did pick up some
peculiar habits from his canine friends though, including playing
fetch with a crumpled up piece of paper and going with us on walks.
As soon as he sees us putting the leashes on the dogs he comes to
the door to wait too. He loves running back and forth in front of
the "girls" as we walk around our neighborhood.
As you can see Hero loves both of his sisters very much and we are
all grateful he is in our lives. -John
+ Erika
An email from Megan's adopters:
Hi SARA Folks,
In August of 2004, I adopted a sweet, older yellow lab named Megan
from the Oregon Humane Society. When I got her paperwork from OHS,
it showed she had come from Lane County, and had been in SARA's
foster program for a few days.
I wanted to say thank you for rescuing this wonderful dog. I'm
grateful every day that Megan is a part of my family! She has
adjusted easily to being a pampered pooch. She's great with everyone
she meets, and has even befriended our cats. Both the dog and I are
getting in better shape from going for walks and hikes! :)
I don't know how such a wonderful dog ever ended up a stray. Megan
comes when called, she never chews anything but her chew toys, and
she never steals people food, even when it's left on the coffee
table. She seldom barks, she's housebroken, and just trustworthy in
every way.
Megan is a great ambassador for shelter dogs everywhere. Some folks
will say adopting a dog from a shelter is taking on someone else's
"problem." Megan is a living example that many homeless dogs,
especially senior dogs, make wonderful companions.
Thanks again for all the great work that you do. Megan's an awesome
dog, and it's because of you that she got a second chance at finding
a lifelong home.
Sincerely, Liz Miller (Portland)
A Letter from Sabrina and Moby's adopters (at
Moby was born at LCAS and brought to S.A.R.A. when he was 1 day old.
Sabrina was about to be euthanized to make room for more kittens in
the cattery at LCAS. She was such an escape artist at the shop that
we had to put her on a leash and take her for walks. She now has her
own screened porch at her forever home with Moby.
Your S.A.R.A. Story Here.
Email to webmaster@sarasavesanimals.org

An Email from Tommy's adopters:
This devastatingly handsome guy has proven that it isn't just
cats with 9 lives! Blind since birth, he charmed the many folks that
he met along his path as he faced being without a family at least
twice since he came into "the system". SARA took him in, blind and
with profound hearing loss from long-term ear infections. He was
nurtured and repaired (his ears work pretty darn good now!) by so
many wonderful people associated with SARA and the fortunate family
that will be his last family expresses deep thanks to those folks
and to the donors that allow this good work to continue. -K.H.
Update from Bianca and Bowie's adopter's:
(April 2006)
I Thought we would show you a few pics of Bowie and Bianca, they
have decided to let us stay with them! lol -Will
Gandalf and Dumbledore
I got these cats from SARA in September 2002 when they were six
months old. They are brothers. I named them after two wise wizards,
Gandalf the White and Dumbledore -- but although Gandalf was pure
white except for face and striped tail, as he grew his back darkened
so that now it is orange, and much of him is cream. He is a very
large handsome cat who weighs 19 pounds, although the vet says he is
not too fat. Dumbledore is a little smaller. He developed severe
chronic gingivitis which could be cured only by the removal last
year of all his back teeth, but he doesn't notice that they're gone
and is now healthy and happy.
Sylvia Engdahl